Menstrual Cycle Awareness and Mental Health

Menstruation and mental health are both topics that carry a significant amount of stigma in our culture. What's more, is that these two things are intricately connected. Research is finally catching up to what women have always known, that the changes occurring over the course of the monthly cycle, profoundly impact physical, emotional, and mental health.

The practice and technique of Menstrual Cycle Awareness teaches women how to closely track their cycle, learn about the 4 distinct phases of the cycle, and how to use this information to support mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

If you’re interested in changing your relationship to your cycle and learning how to use Menstrual Cycle Awareness to support mental health, let’s connect.

“Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) is the ultimate mindfulness tool for women. As you feel and respond to your changing mood and energy throughout the phases of the cycle, you’ll experience increasing inner warmth or kindness, more flexibility, choice, and a growing sense of integration and coherence that will help you feel more alive and in yourself.”

— Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo-Wurlitzer in their book Wild Power